Fund-raising Thermometer

Over 100 million served!

I was looking for a thermometer to put on a website and I couldn't find one that didn't suck. So I made one.

If you have a secure site (using https instead of http), you can just change the URL to https instead of http. It will just work.

Generate Your Own!

Show Text:
Goal Text:
As Of:
Image Width:

Feel free to use the link to generate an image on your site:

<img src="/thermometer/thermometer.cgi?goal=1.0&current=0.56&asOf=Aug/25&suffix=Million&unit=$"/>
where "1.0" is the goal, "0.56" is the current amount, "Aug/25" is the "as-of" date, "Million" is the suffix to use and "$" is the unit of measurement. If you happen to be really successful and surpass your goal, that is handled too. The unit can be any valid html string, including special characters like £, €, etc. Just be careful to properly URL-encode such things.

This was created using the gd library from Thomas Boutell. You can send me feature requests of bug reports. I'm usually pretty responsive about these things, but no guarantee.

If you do end up using this, I like the idea of post-card ware... so drop me a note and I'll tell you where to send one :) ... but I also like the idea of using stuff like this with no strings attached... so only send one if you want to.


This is a (somewhat) complete list of the things I'm working on adding to the thermometer. I work on this when I have time, but I'm a busy person, so that's when I'm inspired :) I'm usually pretty quick on the simple things.

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